Thursday, May 14, 2009

HOTK! and the Stellas!

Just a quick note, if you haven't heard, Heroes of the Kingdom have released their record: "HOTK", online. You should rush right out to the website and give it a listen, and perhaps, BUY IT! We painstakingly crafted these 11 rock gems for your pleasure, so do yourself a favor and get you some! I am sure they would appreciate it, and so will your ears.

In other news, the Stella Mora recording is done and in the can, and hopefully will be on its way to your ears for a listening very soon. They also have been recording some demo work also available for listening on their myspace as well as some wicked ass new photos.

Very proud of both bands and records and look forward to working with them again in the future. Please show 'em some love!


Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Busy, busy!

I am in between rehearsals at the moment, so figured I would update a bit. The Jovian Chorus is mixed and just needs a couple of touch ups, and lemme tell you, it sounds pretty damn fine! Might see a lil sneak peak if the keymaster says its ok, later this week.

Jason and the Beast finds their full length closer to completion as well. A little TLC and a bit of odds and ends and it will be done as well. Sounds great now, can't wait to trim a little fat and throw some style on it!

Lastly, Paige and Evan from Sleepy Kitty are coming over next week to do some tracking and mixing and we couldn't be more stoked. Check out their myspace, good stuff!


Monday, May 4, 2009


So, if you haven't heard or read, we have pulled up stakes and moved. The old studio is no more and the new studio is in the works. We have found ourselves a nice little spot on Cherokee Street, just east of Jefferson and are currently residing there while we finalize plans with our architect to build our studio. It is a spacious three story behemoth, with tons of character and so far headaches and setbacks, but we shall overcome. In the meantime, we are functioning in one of the apartment spaces and working feverishly to finish upcoming releases from The Jovian Chorus and Jason and the Beast. With the exception of the drums, which were cut at my friend Jason's place called Sawhorse, all of the new Jovian stuff was cut here and sounds mighty fine. Hope to have a couple of sneak peaks up in the next week.

Check back as now that work is about to begin, we will be posting pics and a rehab/construction journal more regularly. Sorry for the lag of entries while we have been on hiatus, and hope to keep up a little better on posting news. Thanks and rock on!