Tuesday, October 14, 2008


I had this great idea (at least as far as my ideas go, this one seemed better than usual), that I wanted to both fulfill my creative wanderlust and at the same time help musicians trying to get their ideas on tape with a modest bankroll all while not squashing the creative environs necessary for these ideas to flow. Through a parting of ways of sorts, a mutual space came available that allowed me and some friends to share a space that was also where they lived. It worked out nicely. The problem was I wasn't willing to spend very much money to convert this living space into a ful blown recording space. It wasn't that this space was not suited for recording, because it worked quite nicely for our needs, but there were always obstacles that couldn't be overcome without redesigning the whole building, which clearly wasn't gonna keep anyones overhead down. That being said, we forged ahead as is. The vibe was nice, the place was functional, just limited.
So idea 2 comes along. This idea was start looking for a place that already exhibits qualities in a spacethat lend itself to recording. What a novel idea, a place for recording. (Hey dumbass --- these are called recording studios!) Oh yeah, so I guess I was looking for a space to build a studio. A modest studio. One that I could live above and keep my office in. And one that sounded nice and had a nice vibe. And oh yeah, one that I could afford. So I started looking. LOOKING. Plan was see what's out there, what I can afford, where I could afford, etc. Get my ducks in a row, so next Spring, I could put all this dream stuff into reality. Well you know how that goes...
Looking turned into finding, finding into investigating, investigating into offering and with a lot of luck, a LOT LOT LOT of patience, some good friends, and as EL says everyone's calendars being aligned (how 'bout them calendars), we gots us a place:

Look at her in all her majesty! She needs some TLC for sure but I really think it will be a perfect fit for Yellow Hat. I hope to keep a blog of the rehab of this joint going so all 2 of you who actually look at this can see where we are. Hopefully with any luck, we will be rocking the new joint by January 1st. Stay tuned for more details!


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